
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Reeled back in

Don't get me wrong, homestay is fine and our training, both Swahili and technical, is important, but it was hard today to come back to our community-based training and homestay village. We had a week to roam, with some degree of freedom, seeing our future sites and having a taste of what will hopefully very shortly be the life we will be enjoying.

So I got two vitambua (fried coconut-flavored creations) this morning in the early morning light of the bus stop, and took the nine-hour ride back to our villages. My mama let me rest this evening. And my dress is done! I realized I made a "rookie mistake" by forgetting to ask my fundi to make pockets, but I guess if I really want them I can add them later. It will be nice to have some more clothes to wear as my wardrobe has been rather small.

I raided the shelf of the volunteer I was shadowing, and came home with The Alchemist. It's barely half past seven and I am exhausted. Time to read until I fall asleep.

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