Well, I joined Peace Corps because it seemed like the natural next step for me. I studied animal science and am looking to expand my knowledge of sustainable agriculture. Experience with Peace Corps will hopefully put me in a good position to either pursue grad school or a career with the government or a nonprofit when I get back.
"How long will you be gone?"
27 months. The first 3 months we are Peace Corps Trainees (PCTs), and that is when we receive immersive language and technical training. After that, we are sworn in as Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs), and begin our 24 months in the communities we are placed in.
"Do you get paid?"
We get paid what is basically a stipend, to cover the cost of living, with a little extra for other expenses.
"What about Ebola/ Malaria/ HIV/AIDS/ any other disease you could possibly contract?"
Peace Corps provides us with full medical care. If we get injured or get a serious disease, Peace Corps will take the appropriate measures, such as medical evacuation ("medevac"), as necessary.
"Will you get to come home?"
...If I pay for it myself, yes. The Peace Corps does not pay for me to come home, however I earn vacation days during service (48 vacation days, to be exact). So I could potentially use some of those vacation days to come home for a visit.
"Can you have visitors?"
Yes. Even if it is impractical for me to host someone in my community (due to remote location, etc.), I can still meet visitors in-country, or in Zanzibar, or some other place. :)
"Can I write to you?"
YES! Please do. I could really use some pen pals. :)
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