I am by no means a linguist or a Swahili expert, however in the process of learning Swahili I've found some interesting things. Here are a few that come to mind:
1. The Swahili word for time, hour, watch, and clock is all the same word. Also, Tanzanian time starts with hour zero, or 12:00, being six a.m., with the hours running like usual, with a six hour difference, until night starts at six in the evening. Sound confusing? It definitely is.
2. The hour between five and six in the morning is called alfajiri. As far as I know, this is the only hour that is commonly referred to with a special name.
3. There is no Swahili word for "beautiful"- the closest translation is "nzuri", which has many meanings, including good, nice, or pretty.
4. Swahili does not have a way of saying "I miss this person". The reason was explained to me as historically, people didn't used to travel far from or leave their village or regional area often, therefore people you cared about were pretty much always around and you never had a feeling of missing someone that you needed to express.
5. Since we're talking about feelings, some feelings in Swahili are expressed as a physical sensation, i.e. "I'm hearing hunger", etc.
6. If you want to say "I had this thing" or "I will have this thing", the literal translation from Swahili says that you were with something or that you will be with something. The sense of ownership is implied, not stated.
7. With the verb "to marry", men take the active verb and women take the passive verb. Men marry and women are married.
8. When discussing extended family, strictly speaking, you only have aunts on your father's side and uncles on your mother's side. Your father's brothers are your "baba mkubwa" or "baba mdogo"- big fathers or little fathers, depending on age relative to your actual father. The same applies on your mother's side- you have "mama mkubwa" and "mama mdogo", depending on relative age.
9. When asking what someone's name is, you're really asking "who" their name is, or you call yourself "who".
10. Kupenda is the verb to like or love. I love this chipsi mayai (fries and eggs). I love you too. What's the difference in the intensity of that love? Who's to say. :)