Woman: why is your dog skinny? Have you seen OUR dog? He's gotten fat. Are you feeding your dog?
Me: "of course I feed him, he just hasn't gotten fat yet"
Cousin: (in English): "he has a maintained figure."
Questions people (mostly kids but some adults) have asked me about my dog:
"Are you going to take him to America? He's gonna need a passport right?"
"Does your dog have a cellphone?"
"Have you trained your dog yet to take money to the market and bring you back vegetables? Dogs do that in Europe don't they?"
"Your dog needs a female, when are you gonna get him one?"
"Say hi to your dog for me!"
"What have you brought?!"
"Let's go slaughter him!"
"When does he need his shots again?"
"Who feeds him when you're gone? Is that person a Muslim?"
"Have you gone hunting with him yet?"
"Give him soup! He'll get fat!"
(On the bus/ in town): "where's your dog? Why did you leave him at home?"