Today, it rained. I think today is officially the first day of long rain season. It rained at four in the morning and woke me up, it rained as I took a bucket bath, it rained when I ate breakfast, chai, and lunch, it rained when I washed my dishes.
As I ate breakfast, it was downpouring, and a small dilapidated chicken came to stand just inside our doorway. Our hall is about ten or fifteen feet long, and connects our front and back doors. On any given day, there are chickens parading through our hall, as it's their favorite shortcut from the courtyard to the great outdoors for some reason.
This chicken was somewhere between being a pullet and being full grown. It had wet feathers, big feet, and a small, forlorn head that looked at me distrustfully. Mama has been cracking down on the hallway chicken parade because they make the hall all dirty.
But I drank my tea and the chicken stood there and we both waited out the rain.
There were between one and two dozen women filtering in and out of our kitchen all morning until afternoon when we went to the party. At any given moment, there were approximately six women helping to cook. Women took turns cracking open coconuts with machetes and scraping the meat out on an mbuzi, or "goat": a small stool with a sharp serrated protrusion on which you scrape coconuts. A very specific tool which is oh so necessary if you live in this part of Tanzania where there are coconuts everywhere. Mamas washing kilos upon kilos of rice, mamas sifting flour for ugali.
All the morning I was pretty much completely useless because my mama insisted I reapply henna AGAIN, so there I was sitting helplessly, waiting for my henna to dry so I could brush it off.
We had lunch and went to the party at the village up the road. The village executive officer had bought us matching striped polo shirts which we had to wear today, so there the eight of us were in a row, wearing our matching shirts, and we were plied with Anjari (Tanga soda) and had the seats of honor. There were drums, a dance troupe, and a microphone involved. We all had to introduce ourselves, and presented our framed photos of us with our host families as gifts, and then each of our families gave us gifts to take to site, which was so generous of them. Most of the items are cooking ware, which will be SO useful to have right away.
We were cajoled into joining the dancers for a few dances, much to the delight of everyone in attendance - at least a hundred people, probably more.
The party actually ended in a timely manner; I was planning on settling in for the long haul, but I returned home and had a fairly low-key rest of the evening.
Tomorrow is an early start.