
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

T Minus 6 Days to Tanzania

I suppose this is what one might call the home stretch.

The week is underway, I made some last-minute purchases (thank you Amazon Prime), I paid my library fines (as a librarian's daughter, that's a serious priority :).

I had a chai latte at my favorite neighborhood cafe, I called my mother. I remembered what a returned Peace Corps volunteer told me last week at a happy hour for Pittsburgh area PCVs/ RPCVs. She said that looking back on her preparation for her Peace Corps service, she thinks she didn't allow herself enough time to actually realize that she was leaving for two years.

Sometimes you just have to sit somewhere and let it wash over you.

Then wash it down with the cinnamon dregs of a chai well made, and walk away.

There's a hot and sunny world ahead. I can't wait.
