
Friday, October 10, 2014

Peace Corps Tanzania!

After having applied to Peace Corps eight months ago, an Ebola outbreak, a reassignment, and many, many mental and emotional journeys to places unknown that could be home to me, I have accepted an invitation to serve in Tanzania as a crop extensionist with the agriculture/ environment program there, starting in February 2015.

I am honored and blessed to have been given this opportunity, and mostly am excited to say that I get to go BACK to Tanzania. (I never thought I would get to say that. At least, not at this point in my life!) In 2011 I went on a service trip to Tanzania for a few weeks. Everyone in the group I traveled with could have told you that I didn't want to leave Tanzania when the trip was over.

Departure is in four months. So much to do before then. I'll share what I can (or what I remember to).
